Considering a Second Act? Toastmasters Can Help
Considering a Second Act? Toastmasters Can Help
Francine Juhlin
Entering your golden years needn’t be a life sentence in a recliner. In fact, these days, 50+ people are increasingly opting for new endeavors in business, volunteering, and experiences. This is the perfect time to embrace new challenges, discover fresh passions, and continue personal growth. Toastmasters is one way to enhance communication abilities and connect with like-minded individuals.
Gina Cook is a retired manager in Federal Government and longtime Toastmaster. She found that Silver & Wiser Toastmasters helped her organize her thoughts so she could stand up at her Community Association meeting and explain her viewpoint with clarity and confidence. Gina loves the social aspect of the club and networking with members around the globe.
The benefits of Toastmasters are many; here are just a few.
Lifelong Learning
Engaging in brain-challenging activities supports cognitive function. Writing speeches, practicing impromptu speaking, evaluating others’ presentations, and mentoring helps keep you alert, engaged, and ready to tackle whatever comes your way.
Building Confidence
By staying active in public speaking, you not only maintain relevance in professional settings but also in social and community interactions.
Expanding Your Circle
Vibrant, welcoming communities provide regular gatherings, shared experiences, and new friendships. Members range from young professionals to retirees, providing networking opportunities and the chance to mentor or be mentored.
Fun and Fulfillment
The atmosphere of gatherings — in person or online — is supportive, uplifting, and often filled with laughter. Each meeting is different, offering new challenges and experiences. Participants find joy in their own progress, and that of others.
Embracing the Future
More than just a club, Toastmasters is a gateway to new adventures, lifelong learning, and personal growth. It’s about stepping outside of your comfort zone, discovering your strengths, and continuing to evolve.
Retired from military and government service myself, I am a fan and longtime member of Silver and Wiser Toastmasters Club. After writing a self-help book for adults, I embraced a new challenge inspired by fellow Toastmasters: becoming a children’s
book author.
Recognizing a need in the market for inspiring stories empowering children to grow up strong and confident, my journey is just one of many that illustrates the power of embracing new beginnings and sharing wisdom across generations.
— Francine Juhlin
Visit Silver and Wiser Toastmasters to learn more.