Greater Portland EditionMagazine StoriesWillamette Valley Edition


Welby O’Brien


I LOVE new clothes! It’s dangerously easy to buy whatever we want these days. And have it delivered before we’ve time to walk to the front porch!


I tried on a pair of last year’s pants and was so discouraged. They just didn’t fit anymore. Ready to browse online for a new pair, I realized I had them on backwards!


Then there are socks. I have friends who don’t care if they match. Not sure I’ll ever be that liberated, but good for them. So, assuming I was ready for more socks, I tackled the sock drawer. (Just getting it open was a victory). Much to my surprise and delight, I found socks galore — some still brand new — with plenty to toss or give away. And the icing on the cake was a wad of cash I stashed away years ago!


No need for new pants. No need for new socks. Surely there was something I needed! I know…new hangers. You always need hangers, right?


Well, once I hit the closet, I found a bunch of stuff I could give away, and guess what? I have hangers now!


So, it looks like the anticipated shopping spree is on hold for now. Pretty sure it won’t take long for me to think of things I need.


Or maybe perhaps I’m discovering that I don’t need as much as I thought. And actually, have more than I realized.


I wonder if getting stuff too often becomes more of a compulsive pursuit than gratefulness and contentment.


Something to think about. We have so many blessings! And what a joy when we can appreciate them.


Going to go enjoy today, with my pants that fit, and my socks that match.


(I am, however, on the lookout for toothpaste-colored shirts.)


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