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The Personal Side of Selling the Family Home

Ben Richardson

50plus Magazine

Gazing at your empty family home as you prepare to leave for the last time can be heart-wrenching. For many it is a major life event. It’s not the “things” in the house that matter so much, really. It’s the memories — of countless celebrations, life “seasons,” and all the milestones that accompany raising a family.

Selling and leaving the home may evoke feelings of guilt, sadness, and loss. The following coping strategies can help navigate this painful aspect of leaving.

The first step is to recognize and validate your emotions. Don’t let anyone make you feel you’re being overly sensitive. It’s natural to feel sadness, nostalgia, and uncertainty about the future under these circumstances.

Share your feelings with friends or family members and give yourself permission to grieve. Letting loved ones know ahead of time that strong emotions may arise can help them be patient and understanding. 

It’s equally important to focus on the positive elements of the move. While you’re closing one chapter, you are beginning a new one that is sure to be filled with interesting new experiences and opportunities. Let yourself feel excited about what lies ahead!

Taking along favorite pictures and belongings will help create a sense of familiarity in your new home. You can even recreate a favorite room to look and feel like one in your previous space. This is made easy by taking a few pictures of the original room before moving to use as a model in your new home.

Perhaps you’re moving to a smaller place with less maintenance, lower expenses, and fewer responsibilities — yay! Joyfully anticipate the extra time you’ll have for hobbies, travel, and more.

You’re also sure to meet new people and make friends wherever you choose to go, as well as see new sights and learn new things. Intentionally acknowledge the positive effects of your move.

Finally, keep in mind that the entire process can be made easier and less stressful with the help of a Senior Real Estate Specialist (SRES®). Their experience and training allow them to offer understanding, empathy, and patience, and they can even be helpful with family dynamics.

Having someone on your team to help guide you can provide relief and help make the process of prepping and selling the family home a triumphant transition.

Acknowledging the challenges of moving and using some simple coping strategies will have you singing, “Happy Trails,” as you dance excitedly into your new phase of life. Perhaps the most frequent comment by those who have “made the move” is . . . 

“I wish I’d done it sooner.”

Ben Richardson is the Managing Principal Broker at Chastel Real Estate. He enjoys helping seniors and is a Seniors Real Estate Specialist. Ben can be reached at 971 272-3956.

2 thoughts on “The Personal Side of Selling the Family Home

  • Beverly Deen

    This is an excellent article and makes the idea of moving from a home and place you love less daunting.

  • Excellent suggestions for making a difficult move easier.

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