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Is your organizing being hijacked?

Sherri Curley

50plus Magazine


Sound familiar? We all want systems. They save time and make life easier.

What if you don’t have established systems for the many tasks around your home? Relax, it’s ok. Not everyone does. In fact, for some people — or for certain tasks — they can be counterproductive. How?

Let’s look.

1  System

The word “system” can cause freakout or freeze. Despite craving the benefits of having a “system,” the word itself can induce challenging emotions, such as. . .


The structured nature of a system can induce fear of failure. What if I don’t know how to start? What if it’s wrong? What if I can’t maintain it?


Not knowing how to start, implement or maintain a system leads to brain spiraling, stress, irritability, anxiousness, tension, headache, nausea and other physical reactions. The result: emotional outbursts or complete shutdown.


For some neurodivergent or creative brains, systems are perceived as restrictive, rigid or stifling. The natural response to this is to reject the system and procrastinate indefinitely, or not do the task at all.

2 No System

With emotional tailspin or lack of instructions little or nothing gets done. Projects pile up, tensions rise, feelings of inadequacy and shame deepen.

3 “Missed the mark” system

Some systems can be overly complicated or not designed for the task. Complex procedures are hard to remember or follow consistently. A poor system will have you needlessly spinning your wheels trying to make square pegsfit round holes. Also, a system that works great for someone else may not work for you. We all have our own strengths and styles.

4 Fixating on perfection 

We all want simple, efficient systems to support organization at home. The old saying, “A place for everything and everything in its place” is truly a recipe for ease. But here’s the kicker: fixating

on a perfect system invites stagnation and stress. 

What’s a perfect system look like for you? If you’re not sure, or don’t know how to start, thinking it must be perfect is a sure way to get stuck.

5  Overcoming Immobilization

Immobilized without systems? Give these options a whirl.

+ Labels can help find needed items, indicate where they go and when restocking is needed. Identifying what to keep or when and how to release items simplifies things — which feels great If the word “system” freaks you out, replace it with something like “method,” “process,” “way,” “trick” or “technique.” In fact, if word choice hangs you up, simply do the task.

+Give Yourself Permission to Act. Just try one small step to begin. Got piles of paperwork? Grab a small handful, recycle those not needed and put keepers in a bin or folder to sort later. Voila! Your desk or countertop are clear!

6 Observe, Experiment, Tweak

Note what works for you and what doesn’t. Maybe jot down time-saving shortcuts and tweak or toss steps you find waste time or energy. For some, having someone record you doing a task provides a refresher if/when needed. If you are using a system, could it be improved to save time or energy? If so, tweak it. In fact, tweaking should be an ongoing part of the process. Situations change, people change, needs change. My own processes are always evolving. 

New habits take time to stick, so give new processes a few days or weeks before scrapping — unless they’re clearly a no-go.

Some of us are prone to feelings of “oh my gosh, I failed again, this will never work.” You’re not a failure. Chances are your methodology isn’t either, even if it’s not a home run. Change is constant, so adjusting procedures as needed should be too.

Remember, if the idea of “systems” stops you from getting organized, go ahead and just play around with the structure, the steps, even the vocabulary. Just begin. Don’t worry about right or wrong.

The goal is to find something that works for you. A way to get things done with the greatest ease.