Greater Portland EditionHeadlinersWillamette Valley Edition

For the love of bees… and birds

Grace Peterson

50plus Magazine

Growing plants for pollinators is one of the easiest tasks a gardener can do. And one of the most rewarding. Who doesn’t love seeing a furry, plump bee nectaring on a freshly opened flower you grew yourself? Or a hummingbird making the rounds on the fuchsia blossoms. We really can help nature, one critter at a time, and it feels good.

OSU Extension bee specialist Andony Melathopoulos offers helpful tips in selecting plants pollinators will approve of. “Native plants play a large role,” she says, “but many exotic plants are just as effective.”

Flowers with flat faces are more alluring to bees than fluffy, double blooms that hide their yellow insides. Tubular flowers are a favorite of hummingbirds.

Plant in swaths — critters are more attracted to a field of flowers than a single plant.

Do not use pesticides. If you see a bug or worm eating your plant, remove it with gloved fingers. Better yet, leave it for the birds to enjoy.

Grow plants that bloom at different times throughout the year, including winter.

While most bees sleep through winter, Anna’s hummingbirds stay active through all but the coldest winter days. Rather than hang a hummingbird feeder, I’ve made it my goal to provide nectar plants for them to enjoy year-round.

Following are some of my favorite blooms that grow well in the Willamette Valley that pollinators love. While bloom times are noted, many bloom well into the next season. Poke around online or visit local nurseries to discover more.


Summer blooms

Fuchsia shrub

Roses shrub

Echinacea perennial (Coneflower)


Fall  blooms

Aster perennial

Persicaria perennial (Mountain Fleece)

Tall Verbena perennial


Winter blooms

Sweet Box shrub(Sarcococca)

Hamamelis tree (Witch Hazel)

Rosemary shrub (Herb)


Spring blooms

Daphne odora shrub

Allium bulb (Flowering Onion)

Hellebores perennial (Lenten Rose)



More on bees

More on Hummingbirds