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Ease pet stress from fireworks with CBD

Rhea Graham

50plus Magazine


With the 4th of July fireworks just around the corner, now is the time to consider relief options for your pet. CBD has become a popular choice, for good reason. Drops work quickly to bring comfort, allowing pets to go abouttheir business without fear or concern about the noise.


Pets — just like people — have an EndoCannabinoid System (ECS), a regulatory system with receptors for the cannabinoids in Cannabis that regulate the body and help us achieve homeostasis, or psychological ease and stability. Supporting one’s ECS can be lifechanging.


An animal needn’t get “high” on Cannabis, and they certainly don’t smoke it. Just a few drops of Cannabidiol elixir, or “CBD” as most people know it, can provide ease and comfort.


CBD for pets is available at dispensaries and pet supplies. Ask your veterinarian for recommendations or give me a call at 541-981-2620 to schedule a consultation. I have worked with a local vet to formulate suggested dosages.