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Simple holiday gifts

Sherri Curley, The Practical Sort

50plus Magazine

It’s gift-giving season. Once the lists are checked off, don’t about forget you. Give yourself a few simple, much-deserved gifts.


Grant yourself the grace to know you’re doing the best you can at any given time. Keep in mind that “best” is relative. On days when your energy is low, when your patience is challenged, when your brainwaves are frenetic with stressors, you’re likely doing your best. Take a breath, pat yourself on the back for a job well done or done at all. The past 18 months have been tough, and you toughed it out.


Take it easy on yourself this year. We expect so much from ourselves during the holidays. Expectations that are too high can often be counterproductive for perfectionists. I know — I’m continually monitoring my perfectionista tendencies. We want our homes to look sparklingly festive for the holidays. We want ideal gifts for family and friends. We wish to send unique holiday cards. We want to cook 4-star holiday meals. Most of all, we want to spend time with those we love.

Behind each of those wants lives a should.

To honor our physical and mental health (not to mention our bank accounts) this year, let’s scrap the “shoulds” — those potentially unrealistic and possibly dangerous expectations. Do only what is reasonable given current circumstances. When things change, then you can revisit your expectations.


How often do you notice your breathing? Unless I’m walking or doing yoga, Qi Gong or Tai Chi, I rarely focus on my breathing. The times I need it the most — struggling with tech or feeling overwhelmed — are the times I focus least on inhaling deeply into my body.

As a holiday gift to yourself, find a quiet space, close your eyes, and imagine the inside of your body.

Visualize oxygen coming in through your toes. Watch it drift up the back of your body toward your brain, soothing tense muscles and tired bones along the way.

Once the oxygen reaches your head hold your breath for a few seconds. Then slowly exhale as you flush the air down through the front of your body, soaking your organs along the way to going out through your toes. Repeat 5-10 times and see if you notice a physical and emotional release.

Now, let’s get ready to bid this terrifyingly freaky year+ adieu. Put on your walking shoes. Get ready to tread daringly, confidently and lovingly into 2022. Who knows what’s ahead. I’m just grateful for the simple gifts of family, friends, colleagues.

Be well. Stay safe. Keep on being you.