Today's Tidbits

Be sure to thank a Veteran tomorrow

Happy November 10th!


Today is National Vanilla Cupcake Day (but why have a vanilla cupcake when you can have chocolate? I guess that’s why the humble vanilla cupcake needs its own holiday!)


Today is also the birthday of the United States Marine Corps. Semper Fi! The Marine Corp hymn is arguably the most famous among the hymns of the United States armed service branches. The Marine Corps band can fill you in on its history here.


Tomorrow, November 11, is Veterans Day, when we honor those who have served our nation. If you are a veteran, thank you for your service. Our nation owes you an incalculable debt of gratitude. In addition to activities around the area many retailers and restaurants offer discounts to veterans. Here is a list of a few.


Want something to put a smile on your face and help your feel hopeful about our future? Read this story about Evan Bisnauth an 11-year-old from New York who was recently named ASPCA’s Kid of the Year for the lengths he goes to in order to help shelter dogs get adopted. 


Finally, It may be cold here, but in Australia it’s spring and heading into summer — in other words, perfect golfing weather. Recently a group of curious kangaroos came up to provide an audience for a tee-shot. We honestly don’t know if we reach for our camera or run for the hills in this situation, but regardless, we are certain that the kangaroos are better at golf than we are.