Today's Tidbits

Eat those dumplings and Monte Cristos and then go for a walk!

Happy Friday, Happy National Apple Dumpling Day and National Monte Cristo Sandwich Day! We have no idea why someone deemd September 17 a holiday for both of these delicious treats, but an apple dumpling and a Monte Cristo sound like a great way to start your day with a sugar rush (or a heart attack!)


Speaking of hearts, earlier this summer, an Australian sheep farmer wanted to send a tribute for the funeral of his beloved aunt. Unable to attend in person due to covid restrictions, he made use of the resources he had on hand (sheep and lots of grain) to send his own touching tribute (via BBC).


Good news! Are you planning some walking to burn off those apple dumplings and Monte Cristos you just enjoyed? If you were planning to hit your daily 10,000 steps, the CDC says that while walking is an excellent form of exercise, you may not need to hit a magical step milestone every day to see the benefits. Just getting up and walking, even if’s just 6,000 steps, helps you get the benefits of walking. Just making sure you walk every day can help you live longer (via\ good news network).


If like most of us you could just use a good polka after the pandemic, the Mt. Angel Oktoberfest is for you! The event returns this weekend (Sept. 16-19). Covid restrictions are in effect, but the event is “live and in person!” Learn more: